This event is fired when The text is copyed
This event is fired when the driver need download file
This event is fired when the driver get file list
This event is fired when the driver get user info
This event is fired when the driver sign in
This event is fired when the driver sign out
This event is fired when the driver need upload file
This event is fired when the app's UI language is changed.
The event listner receive one parameter, which is the language that be changed to.
This event is fired when the login is successful
This event is fired when the page number changes.
The user permission of the active pdf document is changed
This event is fired when the password or permission of the current pdf document is removed
This event is fired when the search result updated
This event is fired when The text is selected
This event is fired where the dialog is open
This event is fired when the current active tool in the app is changed.
This event is fired when the dialog is close