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  • TooltipOptions



Optional arrowOffset

arrowOffset: number

To set the offset of the arrow. When the placement starts with "top" or "bottom" and the offset exceeds half of the width of tooltip, it will be set to half of the width. When the placement starts with "left" or "right" and the offset exceeds half of the height of tooltip, it will be set to half of the tooltip. default value: 10

Optional content

content: string

The content of the Tooltip. default value: ""

Optional duration

duration: number

To set the Tooltip display duration, default value: 1500

Optional el

el: string

To get the position by Element selector, use this parameter if the position parameter is not set.

Optional offset

offset: number

To set the offset which is from the tooltip to the position or element defalut value: 10

Optional placement

placement: EPlacement

The placement of the Tooltip. The optional values include: "top", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom", "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "left", "left-top", "left-bottom", "right", "right-top", "right-bottom"

default value: "bottom"

Optional position

position: { x: number; y: number }

To set the position to display the Tooltip

Type declaration

  • x: number
  • y: number

Optional title

title: string

The title of the Tooltip. default value: ""

Optional visibleArrow

visibleArrow: Boolean

To specify if the arrow is visible, default value: true

Optional width

width: number

To set the width of the Tooltip, default value: 210

Optional zIndex

zIndex: number

To set the z-index of the Tooltip, default value: 2000