Get field's border color.
Get field's border style.
Get Limits the number of characters.
Get the count of field's controls.
Get field's fill color.
Get field's flags. For more information.
Get form field's name(aka title).
Get form field's type.
Get field value.
Controls how the text is laid out within the text field.
Values are
Set field's border color.
Set field's border style(Not support signature field).
Border style, should be one of 'solid','dashed','inset','beveled'. Nothing will be done with invalid string
Limits the number of characters that a user can type into a text field.
Setting this property to true or false corresponds to checking or unchecking the Scroll Long Text field in the Options tab of the field.
If true, the text field does not scroll and the user, therefore, is limited by the rectangular region designed for the field.
Setting this property to true or false corresponds to unchecking or checking the Check Spelling attribute in the Options tab of the Field Properties dialog box.
If true, spell checking is not performed on this editable text field.
Set field's fill color.
An interge indecated fill color (alpha is not supported). Supported color format
0 or ['T'] for transparent
number, such as 0xff0000, 16711680
PDF color array, such as ['RGB',1,1,1] which means white.
HTML color format, such as '#ff0000', 'rgb(255,0,0)', 'rgba(255,0,0,1)'
Set field's flags.
Controls how text is wrapped within the field.
If true, multiple lines are allowed and they wrap to field boundaries.
Specifies whether the field should display asterisks when data is entered in the field.
If true, data in the field is not saved when the document is saved to disk.
Set field's value.
Field's value to be set.
void or the set value.
Get the text Controls aligment.