Creates a new child bookmark at the specified location.
The name of the bookmark that the user sees in the navigation panel.
page position to jump to after clicking
(optional) The 0-based index into the children array of the bookmark at which to create the new child. The default is 0.
Removes the bookmark and all its children from the bookmark tree
Set specity bookmark properties. t Will trigger Event Events.bookmarkUpdated.
the properties.
the data format: {title:string, color: *, style: number}
Supported color format:
number, such as 0xff0000, 16711680
PDF color array, such as ['RGB',1,1,1] which means white.
HTML color format, such as '#ff0000', 'rgb(255,0,0)', 'rgba(255,0,0,1)'.
An array of Bookmark objects that are the children of this bookmark in the bookmark tree